In situ Data and Service Centres (CDS)
Coriolis brings together 7 French institutes involved in operational oceanography (CNES, CNRS, IFREMER, IPEV, IRD, Météo-France and SHOM). It aims to develop automatic, continuous and permanent monitoring networks in 1) organizing and maintaining the real-time and delayed data acquisition of in-situ measurements for operational oceanography, 2) establishing an operational in-situ data center, and 3) developing the technology required for operational oceanography.
The SISMER (Scientific Information Systems of the Sea) is Ifremer's service in charge of the management of many marine databases or information systems for which Ifremer is responsible for implementation.The SISMER plays a central role in the management of marine databases for Ifremer as well as for many national, European and international projects.
One of the missions of the Institute of the Sea of Villefranche-sur-Mer (IMEV, ex-Ocean Observatory of Villefranche-sur-Mer) is the systematic and regular monitoring of the marine environment.
The Station Biologique de Roscoff (SBR) is a centre for research and higher education in marine biology and ecology. It is jointly run by the CNRS and the Sorbonne University (Paris). The Roscoff Biological Station has set its focus on basic biology — with the study of original evolutionary lineages — and marine biodiversity and eco-systems.
Shom, heir to the first official hydrographic service in the world (1720), is an administrative public institution (EPA) under the supervision of the Ministry of the Armed Forces.
It is the public operator for the maritime and coastal reference geographical information.
Its mission is to know and describe the marine physical environment in its relations with the atmosphere, with the seabed and littoral zones, to foresee the evolution and to ensure the diffusion of the corresponding information.