
The ODATIS Ocean Cluster is structured around 3 components:

  •  the Management Team (ED),
  •  Data and Service Centres (CDS),
  •  Scientific Expertise Consortium (CES).

The ODATIS Ocean cluster is managed by a Steering Committee (CODIR) and advised by a Scientific Council (SC), whose decisions are implemented by an Executive Board (EB) which is steered by the Management Team (ED).

  •  The Steering Committee (CODIR), appointed by the organizations involved in the cluster, represents the supervisory bodies and partner organizations and validates the cluster's orientation decisions on the proposal of the Executive Board,
  •  The Scientific Council (SC), appointed by CODIR, proposes thematic orientations. It is composed of experts on data and products, representatives of scientific programs and users,
  •  The Executive Bureau (EB), appointed by CODIR and directed by the ED, instructs and proposes operational orientations. It is composed of the heads of the Data and Service Centres (CDS).

Les membres du comité directeur

Partners Representatives
Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) Aurélien Carbonnière, Yannice Faugère
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers (CNRS-INSU) Cyrille Flamant, Ingrid Obernosterer
Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer (IFREMER) Chantal Compere, Lucie Cocquempot
Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD) Olivier Pringault
Opérateur public pour l'information géographique maritime et littorale de référence (Shom) Valérie Cariou, Jean-Claude Le Gac
Universités Marines Antoine Grémare
Météo France Florence Besson, Gwenaëlle Hello, Christophe Guillerm
Cerema Xavier Kergadallan

Bureau Exécutif

The Management Team (ED) is composed of :

  • The Director, the Scientific Director (who is the President of the Scientific Council) and the Technical Director;
  • A technical team composed of mission managers ("in situ" and "satellite") and a Project Group of the cluster (project manager, support engineer and editorial manager).

These missions are :

  • Federate the CDS and CES to promote and animate their exchanges and interactions;
  • Promote and implement new CDS or new activities within a CDS, when new needs are identified;
  • Offer unified access to data and services provided by the CDS or by the ED team itself via an internet portal;
  • Work towards the implementation of interoperability of ODATIS data and services with the other poles within IR DataTerra and with national, European and international data and services infrastructures;
  • Coordinate the implementation and maintenance of the ODATIS data catalog;
  • To ensure, within the framework of IR Data Terra's missions, the archiving and long-term security of ODATIS data, using CDS;
  • Contribute to the capitalization and dissemination of the methodological developments developed by the different CES;
  • Contribute to the technical support of the CDS and CES and more broadly of the scientific community concerning the use of the data;
  • Promote transversal and even transdisciplinary actions between the CDS and the CES;
  • Disseminate information about ODATIS activities to the scientific community and the public;
  • To report on ODATIS activities to partner organizations and supervisory authorities.

The ED organizes in particular Technical Workshops instructing and proposing technical orientations (interoperability, services, ...).

Management Team's members
Directeur Erwann Quimbert
Directeur Technique Cyril Germineaud
Directeur Scientifique David Doxaran
Responsable FAIRisation des données Clémence Cotten
Responsable éditoriale et valorisation des produits Caroline Mercier
Chargé de mission 'in situ' Joël Sudre
Chargé de mission "Données satellites, plateformes d'analyse et VRE" Jean-François Piollé
Chargé de mission Relations avec les IR d'observation Mark Hoebeke
Chargée de mission "Projets européens" Dominique Obaton
Chargé de mission "Ateliers Techniques" Dimitry Khvorostyanov
Ingénierie logicielle et standardisation des données marines Mylène Lorre-Guidt
Chargé de mission "Automatisation de services FAIR sur les données marines" Julien Barde
Chargé de mission "Relations avec les communautés scientifiques" Sabine Schmidt
Chargée de mission Projet BRIDGES INFORMATION du PEPR BRIDGES Julie Furiga
Chargée de mission « Outre-mer et international" Sylvie Fiat

Les Centres de Données et Services partenaires

The Data and Service Centres provide a set of operational functions for data management and/or processing, described in the "Specifications of the Data Centres".
For more information on the Data and Services Centres.

Data and Services Centres Managers
CDS-AVISO Cyril Germineaud
CDS-CERSAT Jean-François Piollé
CDS-Coriolis Thierry Carval
CDS-SISMER Valérie Harscoat
CDS-Shom Nicolas Pouvreau
CDS-OMP François André
CDS-OASU Fabrice Mendes
CDS-Stamar Catherine Schmechtig (Villefranche-sur-mer)
Mark Hoebeke (Roscoff)

L'expertise scientifique

The scientific expertise within the ODATIS Ocean cluster is integrated at several levels of organization: within the governance via its Scientific Council, with the associated reference experts gathered within the Enlarged Group of Technical and Scientific Correspondents (GETS) and finally, at the level of the Scientific Expertise Consortiums. 

The Scientific Council (list of members opposite), recommends the main orientations and ensures consistency with national scientific policy and major international programs both on the nature of the subject matter and on the scientific quality of products.
Leading experts associated with the main families of data and products support the data centers in the data production, use and evolution of the dataset. Gathered within the Enlarged Group of Technical and Scientific Correspondents (GETS), they are in close interaction with the Executive Board. 
Finally, within the framework of the Scientific Expertise Consortium, groups of scientists propose to realize and evaluate new products around a theme for which they organize a scientific animation, in order to promote and valorize innovative processing methods and products for space, airborne and/or in situ observation of the ocean and its interfaces (atmosphere, coastline and submarine bottom) with the other data poles (AERIS, FORM@TER, THEIA) of the IR Data Terra. More information on the Scientific Expertise Consortiums.

Scientific Council's Members
CNRS-INSU Sabine Schmidt (Présidente)
Représentant TOSCA Francesco d’Ovidio
Représentant CSOA Marie‐Noëlle Houssais
Représentant OSTST Pascal Bonnefond
IFREMER/ODATIS Gilbert Maudire
CNES/ODATIS Gérald Dibarboure
CNES Annick Sylvestre-Baron
CNES Anne Lifermann
IRD Sylvain Ouillon
Météo France Philippe Dandin
CNRS‐INSU, LOCEAN Jacqueline Boutin
IFREMER/ ODE‐LOPS Guillaume Charria
CNAP/ OMP-LEGOS Rosemary Morrow
CNRS‐INSU, LOV David Doxaran
IFREMER/ ODE‐LOPS Jean Tournadre
Mercator-Océan Elisabeth Remy
Shom Stéphanie Louazel
CNRS-INSU EPOC Antoine Grémare
CNRS-INSU, Obs. Banyuls Ingrid Obernosterer