In-situ Data and Services Center OASU (Aquitaine Observatory of the Universe Sciences)
The Aquitaine Observatory of the Universe Sciences (OASU) is a federative structure of the University of Bordeaux, the CNRS (INSU) and IRSTEA, joined in 2018 by the University of La Rochelle. It represents one of 28 Observatories of the Universe Sciences (OSU) spread throughout the national territory.
OASU brings together several independent laboratories working on long-term environmental observation topics (universe, land, ocean, atmosphere and coastal ecosystems) and the development of associated methodologies (instrumentation, data collection, definition of good practices, data analysis, modelling, data dissemination).
In relation to long-term and high-frequency observation for the marine environment, OASU coordinates or participates in the "National Observation Services" (NOS/SNO) accredited by CNRS (SOMLIT, DYNALIT), the "Long-term Observation and Experimentation System for Environmental Research" (SOERE) accredited by AllEnvi ( Coast line) and observation tasks (SOLAQUI, MAGEST, MolluScan Eye). More information in the "Projects" tab below.
The Data Centre for Observation in New Aquitaine (CeDONA) is a federative structure between the various laboratories and teams that are part of the OASU. Its objective is to meet international standards for the provision of terrestrial and spatial data, to provide value-added services on these data, to be part of national and international infrastructures, for the thematic areas covered by OASU teams that cover a wide spectrum from the coast to the edge of the Universe.
All of OASU's CeDONA data processing services have made it a data and services centre of the ODATIS Ocean cluster.