Le pôle ODATIS organise un 3ème et dernier atelier technique "COPiLOtE" pour clore ce projet , le 15 décembre 2022, en mode hybride : à Plouzané sur…
COPiLOtE : CertificatiOn PoLe OcEan - Certification Ocean Data Cluster

This project, funded by ANR Flash for the ODATIS ocean cluster, focuses on the Certification of Data and Service Centres with several objectives: harmonising the implementation of FAIR principles across all ODATIS Data Centres, improving the quality of data and services offered by the Data Centres, to meet the requirements set by the RDA for a "CoreTrustSeal" certification.
Two other projects from the Data Terra Research Infrastructure's data clusters have also been selected: the FairTOIS project for the continental surfaces cluster THEIA, "Implementing the FAIR principles in the Theia/OZCAR information system", and the CEDRE project for the solid earth cluster FORM@TER, "Towards the certification of French solid earth data directories".
The objectives of COPiLOtE are:
- To harmonise the implementation of the FAIR principles across all ODATIS Data Centres;
- To improve the quality of the data and services offered by the Data Centres and Services, in order to meet the requirements enacted by the Research Data Alliance (RDA) for a " Core Trust Seal " certification.
This will include :
- The writing of Implementation Guides and Documentation Templates;
- The organisation of training and workshops about the concepts, software and services to be implemented to meet RDA requirements;
- Providing ongoing technical support to facilitate the standardisation, updating and harmonisation of the services offered;
- The strengthening of existing relationships with French IT infrastructures, and the investigation of collaboration and hosting possibilities, in order to improve the availability and quality of the services offered.
This work will benefit from the experience of the partners already involved in this process. The final objective is that all the DSC of the ODATIS Cluster should reach at least level 3 "Implementation phase" for all required criteria of the "Core Trust Seal" certification.
The ODATIS Ocean Cluster's Data Centre Charter brings together the Core Trust Seal criteria and the FAIR principles in an attempt to articulate all these requirements.