A new webinar of the European project Blue-Cloud, applied to one of the 5 pilot demonstrators "Marine Environmental Indicators: Providing multi-source…
Blue-Cloud Services is the first part [A] of the flagship initiative "The future of the seas and oceans" resulting from a H2020 call for proposals. Blue-Cloud is the "marine" declination of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
The project spans 3 years and addresses a practical approach to implementing the potential of open cloud-based science to achieve a set of services to better understand and manage the many aspects of ocean sustainability through a series of five Blue-Cloud pilot demonstrators.
The overall goal is to federate in this Blue Cloud Services:
- European and multidisciplinary marine data from satellite and in situ sensors and models;
- Computer platforms forming a virtual environment;
- Analytical tools.
The positioning of Blue-Cloud demonstrates a major synergy at the European level by federating the main European marine data infrastructures (for example Seadatanet, Eurobis, Euro-Argo, Argo GDAC, Emodnet, ELIXIR-ENA, Eurobioimaging, DIAS, CMEMS, and ICOS-Marine) as well as EOSC infrastructures (for example EUDAT, D4sciences).
IFREMER is in charge of workpackage WP3 "Blue-Cloud Pilot Demonstrators" which includes all activities related to the establishment, structuring and implementation of five demonstrators to showcase the full potential of Blue-Cloud architecture and services. The five demonstrators cover five different areas relevant to the call: plankton, genomics, environment, fisheries and aquaculture. This WP will also define the demonstrators' needs and set up validation and feedback mechanisms to ensure that the demonstrators are user-oriented. Sorbonne University is also a partner of the plankton and genomic demonstrators.