

The pan-European SeaDataNet infrastructure, developed under the aegis of the European Commission's FP6 and FP7 programmes, links more than 100 marine data centres and provides access, via a single portal, to all their marine data in standardized and homogeneous formats. 5 European catalogues describing marine organisations, research projects, observatories, sea campaigns and data sets are also available via the SeaDataNet infrastructure. Tools for the management, visualization and processing of this data are also developed and made available via the web portal.

The SeaDataCloud project is a European project of the Horizon 2020 program coordinated by IFREMER, financed for a period of 4 years starting from 01/11/2016. Bringing together 56 partners and 5 subcontractors, it aims to improve the services offered by the SeaDataNet infrastructure by making use of the Cloud environment and HPC (High Performance Computing) facilities. These new capabilities will allow the development of services and tools more adapted to users' needs (online data processing, quality control tools, virtual research environment, etc.). The needs of scientific users will be taken into account by the project through the establishment of a scientific committee whose role is, among other things, to contribute to the specifications of the tools and provide its expertise.


Implication des partenaires ODATIS:

IFREMER (69.5 hommes/mois) : coordination du projet, implication technique dans le développement des outils et des standards, diffusion des données archivées par le SISMER, implication dans le comité scientifique. Leader de trois work packages.

SHOM (15 hommes/mois) : Diffusion des données (XBT, CTD), prise en compte de nouveau type de données : Radar HF

CNRS et Universités de Bordeaux, Marseille (17 hommes/mois) : Expertise scientifique via le comité scientifique, diffusion de données environnementales côtières, prise en compte de nouveau type de données : Cytométrie de Flux.