Le Living Planet Symposium se déroulera du 23 au 27 mai 2022 à Bonn, en Allemagne.
Ce colloque #LPS22 rassemble scientifiques et utilisateurs de données d'observation de la Terre. Plusieurs membres de la communauté du pôle Océan ODATIS y présentent leurs recherches, résultats et projets pour de futurs produits et missions. Une liste non exhaustive des membres impliqués dans les CDS-SAT-CERSAT et CDS-SAT-AVISO est proposée ci-desssous :
Sea Level Anomaly from altimetry. Credits ESA, Climate Change Initiative.
The STREAM proposal: exploring upper ocean dynamics, air-sea interactions and ocean mixing. Dr. Fabrice Ardhuin LOPS – CNRSDetails
Towards high resolution altimetry wave products: what is hidden below 50km? A multimission approach. Annabelle Ollivier – CLSDetails
Assessment of Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B OLCI chlorophyll algorithms in global coastal waters. Emmanuelle Autret – LOPSIfremerDetails
Large mesoscale salinity features detected by SMOS and perspectives for next generation missions Jacqueline BoutinCNRS/LOCEANDetails
Tropical Cyclone observations with mono- and bi- static SAR systems. Alexis Mouche IfremerDetails
Combining coastal altimetry data with High Frequency radar, drifters and hydrological profiles data to estimate a Mean Dynamic topography on the Mid Atlantic Bight. Solène Jousset - CLSDetails
Impact of North Brazil Current rings on air-sea CO2 flux variability in the western tropical Atlantic Ocean. Jacqueline Boutin CNRS/LOCEANDetails
SWIM: major breakthroughs on wave observation after 3 years in flight, Céline Tison - CNESDetails
On the impact of SMOS and SMAP wind on the wave forecasting under cyclone conditions. Lotfi Aouf - CNRMDetails
On the joint use of wide swath Significant wave height and directional wave spectra for global wave forecasting. Lotfi Aouf, CNRM. Details
SWIM: a new potential for sea ice remote sensing. Céline Tison – CNESDetails
Sea Surface Salinity variability inferred from satellite, in situ and ocean model simulations at global scale and in the Senegal-Mauritania region. Jacqueline Boutin CNRS/LOCEANDetails
Introducing the ISRO-CNES TRISHNA mission for high resolution SST observations in coastal ocean and continental waters. Emmanuelle Autret – LOPSIfremerDetails
Monitoring the Ocean Heat Content and the Earth Energy imbalance from space altimetry and space gravimetry. Florence Marti, MagelliumDetails
Using CFOSAT for sea ice application Fanny Girard-Ardhuin IfremerDetails
Improved global sea surface height and currents maps from remote sensing and in situ. Maxime Ballarotta – CLSDetails
Surface and Upper Ocean Circulation from the combined use of in situ and space borne observations. Sandrine Mulet - CLSDetails
Benefits of multi-altimeter combination for Arctic sea surface height. Pierre Prandi – CLS. Details